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發布時間:2024-11-04 09:38:28

Ⅰ A man goes to a pet shop one day with a big and very ugly dog.這文章誰可以查到,十萬火急~~~~~~~~~~~

Dog for Sale
A man walked into a pet shop one day with a large and very ugly dog.
It had long hair, short legs, no tail and a very wet nose.
「Good morning, sir,」 the owner of the pet shop said. 「How can I help you?」
「I want to sell this dog.」
The pet shop owner looked at the dog and shook his head.
「I』m sorry. I can』t give you anything for that animal. No one will want to buy him.」
「Why not?」 asked the man. 「He』s clean, well-behaved and healthy.」
「Look at him, sir,」 said the pet shop owner. 「He hasn』t got a fall, his legs are too short and his hair』s too long. Who would want to buy such a dog?」
「Well, I guess you』re right,」 the man said. 「But he can talk.」
「What do you mean he can talk?」 the pet stop owner asked.
「Yes, he can speak perfect English. Just listen,」 the man answered.
The dog then spoke.
「It』s true, sir,」 he said. 「I am the world』s greatest talking dog. I』ve been to America and talked to the President at the White House in Washington. I』ve talked to the Queen of England and the Emperor of Japan. Please buy me, sir. This man is very cruel to me. He makes me work too hard and doesn』t feed me very well. He never takes me for a walk or gives me a bath. Sometimes he leaves me alone for weeks. I』m so unhappy, sir. Please buy me and find a good home for me.」
The pet shop owner could hardly believe what he was hearing.
「That』s amazing,」 he said. 「You』re right. He is a talking dog. But tell me, why do you want to sell him?」
「Because I』m tired of all his lies,」 the man said



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