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發布時間:2025-01-19 16:59:35

❶ You And Your Sister 歌詞

歌曲名:You And Your Sister
歌手:This Mortal Coil

This Mortal Coil - You and Your Sister
You say my love for you's not real
But you don't know how real it feels
All I want to do is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
Your sister says that I'm no good
I'd reassure her if I could
All I want to do is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
Friends fail every day
I want to hear you say
Your love won't be leaving
Your eyes aren't deceiving
Fears will soon fade away
Smile now, don't be afraid
All I want to do is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
So let me whisper in your ear
Don't you worry they can't hear
All I want to do is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you




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