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A. 什麼是紐約泛歐證券交易所

紐約-泛歐交易所集團(NYSE Euronext,NYSE: NYX,Euronext: NYX))由紐約證券交易所集團(總部位於紐約)和歐洲證券交易所(總部位於巴黎)合並組成,於2007年4月4日在紐交所和歐交所同時掛牌上市,交易代碼為NYX。紐約-泛歐交易所集團是全球規模最大、最具流動性的證券交易集團,為全球投資者及上市公司提供最多樣化的金融產品和服務。
紐約泛歐交易所集團(NYX)是全球領先的、最具流動性的證券交易所集團,致力於提供最高水平的服務質量、客戶選擇和創新產品。旗下證券交易所遍及6個國家,包括全球規模最大的現金股票交易所紐約證券交易所、歐元區最大的現金股票交易所泛歐交易所、按交易價值計算歐洲領先的金融衍生品交易所Liffe、以及快速增長的美國期權交易平台NYSE Arca Options。

紐約證券交易所( New York Stock Exchange ,NYSE) ,是上市公司總市值第一(2009年數據),IPO數量及市值第一(2009年數據),交易量第二(2008年數據)的交易所。2005年4月末,NYSE收購全電子證券交易所(Archipelago),成為一個盈利性機構。

紐約證券交易所 (New York Stock Exchange -- NYSE) 是美國和世界上最大的證券交易市場。1792年5月17日,24個從事股票交易的經紀人在華爾街一棵樹下集會,宣告了紐約股票交易所的誕生。1863年改為現名,直到1865年交易所才擁有自己的大樓。座落在紐約市華爾街11號的大樓是1903年啟用的。

Due to apparent moves by NASDAQ to acquire the London Stock Exchange, NYSE Group offered 8 billion euro ($10.2b) in cash and shares for Euronext on May 22, 2006, outbidding a rival offer for the European Stock exchange operator from Germany's Deutsche Börse, the German stock market.Contrary to statements that it would not raise its bid, on May 23, 2006, Deutsche Börse unveiled a merger bid for Euronext, valuing the pan-European exchange at US$11 billion (€8.6bn), €600 million over NYSE Group's initial bid.Despite this, NYSE Group and Euronext penned a merger agreement, subject to shareholder vote and regulatory approval. The initial regulatory response by SEC chief Christopher Cox (who was coordinating heavily with European counterparts) was positive, with an expected approval by the end of 2007. The new firm, tentatively bbed NYSE Euronext, would be headquartered in New York City, with European operations and its trading platform run out of Paris. NYSE CEO John Thain, who would head NYSE Euronext, intends to use the combination to form the world's first global stock market, with continuous trading of stocks and derivatives over a 21-hour time span. In addition, the two exchanges hoped to add Borsa Italiana (the Milan stock exchange) into the grouping. On 2007-06-23, the Borsa Italiana was however sold to the London Stock Exchange.
Deutsche Börse dropped out of the bidding for Euronext on November 15, 2006, removing the last major hurdle for the NYSE Euronext transaction. A run-up of NYSE Group's stock price in late 2006 made the offering far more attractive to Euronext's shareholders.On December 19, 2006, Euronext shareholders approved the transaction by a 98.2% margin. The remainder voted in favor of the Deutsche Börse offer. Jean-Francois Theodore, the Chief Executive Officer of Euronext, stated that they expected the transaction to close within three or four months.Some of the regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the merger had already given approval. NYSE Group shareholders gave their approval on December 20, 2006.The NYSE consummated its US$11 billion takeover of Paris-based exchange operator Euronext NV at ceremonies in the U.S. and Europe on April 4, 2007.



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