『壹』 「世界那么大,我想去看看」用地道的英语怎么说
地道的英语表达可以是:“The world is so big, I want to explore it.” 或者 “There's so much world out there, I feel like seeing it.”
最后,翻译的结果也需要考虑到目标读者的语言习惯和语境,以确保翻译的准确性和可读性。因此,最终翻译为“The world is so big, I want to explore it.” 或者 “There's so much world out there, I feel like seeing it.” 这种表达方式更符合英语的习惯,也更易于为读者所理解。
综上所述,“世界那么大,我想去看看”的地道英语表达可以是:“The world is so big, I want to explore it.” 或者 “There's so much world out there, I feel like seeing it.”