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发布时间:2021-05-08 13:28:05

A. 兼职股票经纪人


B. 兼职教你炒股(入门级),谁想学


C. 想找点兼职做做,炒股票如何


D. 副业想炒股,怎么学起


E. 我想招个兼职的股票分析师,到哪里招啊


F. 谁知道期货股票操盘手的兼职。。这样的是真的吗、有去过的吗,0基础也可以


G. 股票兼职靠谱吗


H. 请问我要当一名股票分析师,应该考什么专业








School of Securities and Futures—About Us

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) is one of the premier universities specialized in finance and economics in China. It is directly subordinate to the Ministry of Ecation of China and is also ranked as one of the Top 100 Universities in China’s ‘211’ Project. As the only school in China that is exclusively specialized in securities and futures, the School of Securities and Futures was established in September 28, 2008 to train both full time undergraate and postgraate students. The School is structured innovatively on the basis of cooperation between the University and instries, and is directed by the school council. The former CSRC Chairman, Professor Zhengqing Zhou, is the honorable dean of the School.

Finance as the core of modern economy plays a dominating role in economic development nowadays. SWUFE has a long history in developing this discipline and has made prominent achievements, which can be a solid backup to the School of Securities and Futures. One the other hand, the establishment of this new school is one of the most important strategic decisions of SWUFE to construct a ‘Galaxy of Superior Subjects in Finance’, which is built around the national key subject of Finance and supported by three major areas across Banking, Insurance, Securities and Futures.

Leading by the University and cooperating with the members of the School Council, we follow the spirit of SWUFE and keeps to the motto ‘Open and Accommodate, Competitive and Innovative’. Oriented by internationalization, market and the future, we commit to be open minded and innovatively building a school with unique characteristics. Our objectives are: bringing up specialists for the regulation bodies, stock exchanges, institutions, mutual funds, futures companies and other securities related corporations; providing support to the development of China’s financial market with policy oriented researches both theoretically and empirically. We devote ourselves to establish an important base of elite’s ecation, high level research and high quality social services. Our success will contribute significantly to SWUFE to become one of the outstanding Universities.

The School is organized to be including one department and four research units, which are the Department of Securities and Futures, Macroeconomics and Capital Market Research Unit, Instry and Capital Allocation Research Unit, Derivatives and Asset Pricing Research Unit and Capital Market Simulation and Testing Research Unit. Currently we have 18 academic staff including 13 professors (full time and part time) and 5 full time associate professors. Our team consists of academic researcher that has been long devoted to theoretical and empirical research of security market Professor Yongfu Feng; officials in the regulation bodies such as former CSRC Chairman Professor Zhengqing Zhou, former Deputy CSRC Chairman Professor Guangshao Tu, CSRC Chairman Assistant Professor Yang Jiang; well known specialists in the instries such as the President of Guoxin Securities Co. Ltd. Professor Ji Hu and the Vice President of China Galaxy Serurities Co. Ltd. Professor Mei Li.

To achieve the objective of bringing up innovative elites with strong theoretical background, comprehensive professional knowledge and excellent personal quality, our school provides the following degree courses:

Undergraate Programs: BSc. in Finance (Securities and Futures). Core moles include: Investment, Corporate Finance, Investment Banking, Behavioral Finance, Fixed Income Securities, Futures Option and other Derivatives, Securities Law and Regulation, International Financial Markets, Topics in China’s Capital Markets etc.

Postgraate Taught Programs: MSc. in Finance (Operation and Regulation of Securities Markets; Securities and Futures Investment). Core moles include: Asset Pricing, Advanced Topics in Securities Analysis, Risk Management, Principle and Practice of New Investment Tools, International Securities Markets, Regulation and Supervision of Securities Market and etc.

Postgraate Research Program: PhD in Finance (Capital Market Research). Core moles include: Finance and Research Methods, Securities Simulation and Risk Management, Advanced Research of Capital Market Theory and Practice, Financial Asset and Derivatives Pricing, Capital Market Accounting and Finance etc.

I. 有没有做股评兼职的

你好 你想找兼职可以去58同城里面找工作,工作挺多的,前几天我就在里面找了一份兼职。

J. 想兼职做证券经纪人







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